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03 juni 2024
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Denna annons är hämtad från Platsbanken / arbetsformedlingen.se

[Ebg version below]

TAVEX AB – Söker kundservicemedarbetare

Vi söker vår framtida kundservicemedarbetare till vårt team på Tavex AB!

Om du är kundserviceorienterad, brinner för att nå försäljningsmål, driven, kan arbeta i en rörlig miljö och drivs av nya utmaningar, men samtidigt en riktig lagspelare – då passar du perfekt för denna tjänst!

Dina uppgifter och ansvarsområden på denna position kommer att innefatta:

• Kommunikation med kunder som besöker butiken och ge dem information och vägledning om investeringar i ädelmetaller, valutaväxling, penningöverföringar etc.

• Svara på kundfrågor om priser, rabatter, investeringsalternativ samt hantera kundklagomål genom att erbjuda utmärkt kundservice.

• Marknadsföra produkter och tjänster till kunder genom en aktiv försäljningsstrategi.

• Ta emot betalningar kontant och med kort, utfärda kvitton/fakturor, återbetalningar och registrera transaktioner.

Vem vi tror att du är:

• Kan flytande svenska i tal och skrift.

• Kan flytande engelska i tal och skrift.

• Have a completed upper secondary education, preferably with a focus on the financial sector.

• Have good computer skills (Microsoft Office, Windows, Teams).

It is an advantage if you:

• Have previous work experience in sales, finance or currency exchange.

Benefits we offer you:

At Tavex AB, the varied tasks you will perform will give you valuable experience in both customer service and sales. We strongly encourage the employee's personal development and value those at the company who show initiative.

Our commitment goes beyond just work – we want every colleague to thrive in a supportive and enjoyable work environment. That's why we regularly organize team-building activities to foster camaraderie and a strong sense of belonging within the Tavex family.

If you want to make your mark on the world of investment metals and be part of a team that values and supports your potential, Tavex AB is the place to be.

Join us to shape a brighter future for yourself and our industry!

TAVEX AB is looking for customer service specialist

We are looking for our future customer service specialist to join our team at Tavex AB! If you are customer service oriented, a salesperson, driven, able to work in a fast-paced environment and undertake challenges but at the same time you are a true team player then this job position suits you perfectly!

Your duties and responsibilities in this position will be:

  • Communicating with customers visiting the store and providing them with information and guidance about investing on precious metals, currency exchange, money transfers etc.
  • Answering customers queries about prices, discounts, investment options, resolving customer complaints by providing excellent customer service.
  • Promoting products and services to customers using active sales approach.
  • Collecting payments in cash and credit, issuing receipts/invoices, refunds and registering the transactions on the cash register.


  • Fluency in Swedish in speech and writing
  • Fluency in English in speech and writing
  • A completed upper secondary education, preferably with knowledge in finance sector
  • Good computer skills (Microsoft Office, Windows, Teams)
  • Previous work experience in sales, cashiering, finance, or currency exchange will be an advantage.

Opportunities that we offer for you:

At Tavex AB, the diverse tasks you'll undertake will enable you to gain valuable experience in both customer service and sales. We highly encourage personal growth and value employees who show initiative.

Our commitment extends beyond just work – we want every team member to thrive in a supportive and enjoyable workplace. That's why we regularly organize team-building activities to foster camaraderie and a strong sense of belonging within the Tavex family.

If you're looking to make your mark in the world of investment metals and be part of a team that values and supports your potential, Tavex AB is the place to be.

Join us in shaping a brighter future for yourself and our industry!

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Denna annons är hämtad från Platsbanken / arbetsformedlingen.se

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03 juli 2024 (7 dagar kvar)
Ansök nu

Denna annons är hämtad från Platsbanken / arbetsformedlingen.se