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Junior Material Impact Analyst to Global Furniture Company

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Do you want to work for a world-leading furniture company and help them become more environmentally friendly every day? We are now looking for a Junior Material Impact Analyst - in this role, you will make a real difference by supporting the clients journey towards achieving net zero by 2050. Your work will involve analyzing the environmental impact of materials, providing insights for sustainable development, and contributing to innovative projects that enhance their sustainability goals. Apply today and be part of a mission to create a better, greener future!

About the position
Friday is looking for a Junior Material Impact Analyst on behalf of our client. The company is set and committed to reduce its climate footprint by 50% to 2030 and to reach net zero by 2050. To reach that target, Company need insights and understanding of the footprint that its value chain is generating across the world. Life Cycle Analysis provide those insights and with LCAs at hand, Company can select and deselect materials that supports the journey to 2030 and beyond.

In addition, new material development needs to be based on selecting the “right” raw material with the lowest climate and environmental impact. Hence, material impact analysis is needed to guide the development work and act as a sounding board to identify areas where the impact could be reduced or eliminated. The role is vital in the Company’s journey towards Net zero and beyond.

To succeed in the role, you should have a passion for creating a positive impact on people and the planet. Your focus will be on conducting analyses, as well as involving, inspiring, and clarifying LCA and material impact for people without a sustainability background. You are a curious team player, driven to work with many different stakeholders to shape the agenda of how the company should tackle the climate footprint of materials, food, and finished products.

The assignment of the Material Impact analyst is to:
  • Support delivery of the material strategies, called Material Directions by providing necessary subject-matter expertise and conducting necessary analysis to identify improvement actions and support in establishing a portfolio of activities to deliver to set strategic sustainability goals.
  • Support competence development on environmental impacts of materials, food and products, including conducting trainings.
  • Support maintenance and development of IKEA database of environmental emission factors for materials and food ingredients (LCA database).
  • Support projects which improve the quality or extent of the IKEA LCA database, both internally and externally.
  • Support development of requirements for how to measure needed material amounts to calculate the environmental impacts of materials and food.
  • Have a Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering, Material Science, Sustainability, or equivalent
  • Have Good knowledge of Lifecycle Assessments (LCAs)
  • Have the ability to slice and translate complex matters into simple and practical solutions and examples workable in a business context
  • Have the right values
  • Is fluent in English
It is not a requirement but is considered a merit if you:
  • Have good skills in data management, programming (e.g., Python) and business analytics (e.g. Microsoft PowerBI) is an advantage
  • Are a competent user of commercial LCA software like Open LCA, Gabi Sphera, Brightway or SimaPro, and have a good understanding of life cycle inventory databases (Ecoinvent is a requirement)
  • Fulltime, long term
  • Location: Älmhult, hybrid remote
  • Start Date: September 1, 2024
  • Salary: Fixed monthly
  • This is a consulting assignment, which means that initially you will be employed by Friday. The ambition from the client's and our side is for you to be directly employed by the client after approximately 12 months
  • Responsible for the recruitment process: Gabriella Bergström, gabriella@friday.se
By being a partner to both our candidates and clients, we strive to find the best match. We achieve this by truly getting to know our clients and candidates! Naturally, we ensure that knowledge and experience requirements match, but above all, we emphasize shared values and company culture that both parties appreciate.

Our passion is to help people find the right role, workplace, and context within IT and technology. That’s why we founded Friday, with the ambition to help you find a job that gives you the Friday feeling - every day!

We primarily target those who are at the beginning of their career or are studying at a college/university within IT and Technology.

We believe that people reach their full potential when they look forward to going to work every morning. “Friday - every day,” how does that sound?
Friday logotyp
Sök jobbet
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23 augusti 2024 (52 dagar kvar)
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Om arbetsgivaren

Genom att vara en partner både till våra kandidater och kunder strävar vi efter att hitta den bästa matchningen. Det gör vi genom att lära känna våra kunder och kandidater på riktigt! Vi ser självklart till att kunskaps- och erfarenhetskrav matchar, men framförallt lägger vi vikt vid samsyn kring värderingar och företagskultur som båda parter värdesätter. Vår passion är att hjälpa människor till rätt roll, arbetsplats och sammanhang inom IT och teknik. Därför grundade vi Friday med ambition att hjälpa dig till jobbet som ger dig fredagskänslan - varje dag! Vi riktar oss främst till dig som är i början av din karriär eller studerar vid högskola/universitet inom IT och Teknik. Vår övertygelse är att människor uppnår sin fulla potential när man ser fram emot att gå till jobbet varje morgon. Friday - everyday, hur låter det?