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Friday logotyp

Junior License Specialist to global furniture company

Sista ansökningsdag
02 november 2024 (52 dagar kvar)
09 september 2024
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Are you motivated by building relationships and creating business opportunities? Are you truly interested in the always evolving digital world arena? We are now looking for a license specialist to our client. As a License Specialist your assignment is to learn how to secure, manage and optimize software licensing agreements as well as ensure compliance and cost-effectiveness. Are you in the beginning of your career with a big interest in software licensing, apply today!

About the position
We are now looking for License Specialist to join the Purchasing Development business where our client focus on collaboration with their suppliers of all products and services. They are in a build-up phase so for you who thrive in a position where less is already decided and where you will have the opportunity to influence both what they do and how they will do it this is a great opportunity for you.

As a License Specialist your assignment is to learn how to secure, manage and optimize software licensing agreements as well as ensure compliance and cost-effectiveness. You will learn how to act as a specialist in software licencing, providing guidance and support to internal stakeholders. On top of this you will develop relationships with software partners and system owners to drive change.

More specifically, you can expect to:
  • Develop partnership with internal stakeholders - engage and collaborate with internal stakeholders on tactical and strategical tasks to add value.
  • Provide consultancy to internal stakeholders for license management and deliver high quality services.
  • Drive Continuous improvement - Use your passion for collaboration and knowledge sharing of methodologies, tools and materials across the organization.
  • Monitor and analyse the data for cost-saving opportunities, optimal license utilization, and recommendations for risk mitigation.
Our client believe that we're better when they are physically together for collaboration, dialogues and conversations. They believe in the power of human interactions that creates informal chats, energy, belonging and creativity shared by people in the same place. Therefore they spend most of their time at the workplace with flexibility to work from home when relevant.

We are looking for someone who
  • Education and interest in coordinating, managing, and optimizing software licensing agreements & compliance.
  • Knowledge of licensing models across the vendors for entitlements and reconciliation activities.
  • A good understanding of the application lifecycle process flow and licence models and metrics .
  • The courage to question existing solutions and think in unconventional ways.
  • Great communication skills & empathy to coordinate within your network. You are comfortable in presenting and engaging with people in different business constellations.
  • Ability to act upon a fast paced changing and demanding environment.
  • Fulltime, long term
  • Location: Älmhult, hybrid remote
  • Start Date: October 1, 2024
  • Salary: Fixed monthly
  • This is a consulting assignment, which means that initially you will be employed by Friday. The ambition from the client's and our side is for you to be directly employed by the client after approximately 12 months
  • Responsible for the recruitment process: Sofia Krook, sofia.krook@friday.se
By being a partner to both our candidates and clients, we strive to find the best match. We achieve this by truly getting to know our clients and candidates! Naturally, we ensure that knowledge and experience requirements match, but above all, we emphasize shared values and company culture that both parties appreciate.

Our passion is to help people find the right role, workplace, and context within IT and technology. That’s why we founded Friday, with the ambition to help you find a job that gives you the Friday feeling - every day!

We primarily target those who are at the beginning of their career or are studying at a college/university within IT and Technology.

We believe that people reach their full potential when they look forward to going to work every morning. “Friday - every day,” how does that sound?
Friday logotyp
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02 november 2024 (52 dagar kvar)
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Om arbetsgivaren

Genom att vara en partner både till våra kandidater och kunder strävar vi efter att hitta den bästa matchningen. Det gör vi genom att lära känna våra kunder och kandidater på riktigt! Vi ser självklart till att kunskaps- och erfarenhetskrav matchar, men framförallt lägger vi vikt vid samsyn kring värderingar och företagskultur som båda parter värdesätter. Vår passion är att hjälpa människor till rätt roll, arbetsplats och sammanhang inom IT och teknik. Därför grundade vi Friday med ambition att hjälpa dig till jobbet som ger dig fredagskänslan - varje dag! Vi riktar oss främst till dig som är i början av din karriär eller studerar vid högskola/universitet inom IT och Teknik. Vår övertygelse är att människor uppnår sin fulla potential när man ser fram emot att gå till jobbet varje morgon. Friday - everyday, hur låter det?